martes, 26 de abril de 2011

Origami:una sencilla ballena

Ahora que vamos a trabajar el tema de los animales tanto en inglés como en español, necesitaremos recursos sencillos que motiven a los niños como esta ballena que hemos hecho hoy en clase, reciclando papeles que ya no nos servían. Aquí os dejo las instrucciones:
Supplies needed:

  • Construction paper
  • Scissors
  • Markers or crayons
  • A pipe cleaner or curling ribbon for antennae
Start by making a square piece of paper. To start making the square, fold one corner of a piece of paper over to the adjacent side.
To finish making the square, cut off the small rectangle, forming a square (which is already folded into a triangle).
Fold two opposite side over so that they meet at the fold.
Fold the tip over to just meet the other folds.
Fold the piece in half along the central axis.
Fold the tail up.
Make a short cut through the end of the fold in the tail. Fold the edges of the tail outwards.
Draw eyes, fins, and any other patterns you like, and enjoy your whale.

fuente: enchanted learning

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